Free Fiction
Loving Anna
SCHOOL MUST BE OVER. I hear the front door slam mid-afternoon, followed by the stomp of footsteps as Anna seeks me out. Unfortunately, the odor of melting spray starch leaves me all too easy to find. Read More...
From The MHP Team
Emotional Triggers
FATIGUE, STRESS, CONFUSION, fear and anxiety too often serve as behavioral triggers, causing many of us to abandon our emotional centers and jettison our inner peacefulness out of the mistaken belief that we can “fix” our feelings by fixing our surroundings. The problem with that assessment...? Read More...
Flotsam & Jetsam
Read AllAPRIL 23, 2019
Hilton Ratcliffe is Skeptical | Muse Harbor author Hilton Ratcliffe doesn’t shy away from controversy. In fact, the South African astrophysicist is quite certain that little of what we perceive about the cosmos is, in reality, reality. Discover Mr. Ratcliffe's fabulously heretical beliefs and decide for yourself. Are black holes real...or merely an illusion propagated by a foundering scientific principle? Read More...
JUNE 18, 2024
A good novel isn't about What happens. It's about What happens to whom. This post is all about the whom. Because if readers can't identify and empathize with your characters, your plot probably won't matter much. Let's face it: Every plot imaginable has already been written—many, many times over. Plots written today will seldom, if ever, be truly unique. However...! Read More...